About the MCFEA
The Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa (MCFEA) is a charitable foundation established in 1992 by Mitsubishi Corporation and its UK-based subsidiary Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc. Over a period spanning more than two decades, the MCFEA has been engaging with a wide variety of partner organizations throughout Europe and Africa, supporting innovative projects that align with its central aims: the promotion of environmental conservation; the support of environmentally focused education and research; and the alleviation of poverty.
Since its inception the MCFEA has partnered with more than 30 different leading environmental and development organizations, supporting a wide range of initiatives in regions including Romania, Bulgaria, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Africa, Zambia, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, and Madagascar.
MCFEA Trustees
Chair of Trustees Ms Julie Rogers Trustee Mr Yoshiyuki Nojima -
Trustee Mr Akihiko Takada Trustee Mr Tsunehiro Makabe Trustee Mr Yukihiko Kaburaki Trustee Ms Kyoko Shoji Programme Manager Ms Mamiko Kuwaki Programme Officer Mr Kiran Sharda