Addressing Modern Slavery
Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements
MC is committed to respecting human rights and strives to ensure that our business activities do not cause or contribute to adverse human rights impacts, including slavery and human trafficking. Please refer to our statements for further information.
- FY2022 Modern Slavery Statement (PDF:615KB)
- FY2021 Modern Slavery Statement (PDF:648KB)
- FY2020 Modern Slavery Statement (PDF:538KB)
- FY2019 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF:287KB)
- FY2018 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF:247KB)
- FY2017 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF:270KB)
- FY2016 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF:200KB)
- FY2015 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF:194KB)