Mitsubishi Corporation

Press Room

February 19, 2010
Mitsubishi Corporation

Japanese Digital TV Trials in UAE

Mitsubishi Corporation and Tokyo’s Areaportal Corporation will carry out the first trials of a new, one-seg area broadcasting* service from February 16 to 28 in the UAE. The project was awarded by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
The purpose of the trials is to assess the feasibility of this service, which employs Japan’s terrestrial digital broadcasting system (ISDB-T)*. The new service will transmit area-specific information simultaneously to select regions at select times. MC’s role in the trials will be to research technical and systematic aspects relevant to developing this service further, the aim being to provide useful and/or necessary information such as disaster-prevention and response measures, traffic updates, and general lifestyle-related news. The ultimate goal will be to strengthen the international competitiveness of Japanese technologies and to accelerate the global proliferation of both this service in particular and ISDB-T in general.
Building on this research, MC hopes to utilize ISDB-T to develop both its ITS (*4) and diverse information broadcasting businesses.
*1: One-seg broadcasting
      Japanese broadcasting used for mobile terminals such as cellular phones.
*2: ISDB-T (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting –Terrestrial)
      Official name of Japanese digital terrestrial broadcasting system
*3:ITS (Intelligent Transportation System)
     Advanced transportation information system employing the latest developments in IT.
Areaportal Corporation
・Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
・Established: April, 2000
・Capital: Yen203,600,000
・President: Junichi Kato

Inquiry Recipient

Mitsubishi Corporation
Telephone:+81-3-3210-2171 / Facsimile:+81-3-5252-7705