What are the origins of the Mitsubishi mark and the Mitsubishi name?
Q01:What are the origins of the Mitsubishi mark and the Mitsubishi name?
A01:Mitsubishi Corporation is a member of the Mitsubishi companies. If you want to know about the Mitsubishi mark and the Mitsubishi name, please visit "http://www.mitsubishi.com" a portal site of the Mitsubishi companies.
I wish to inquire about the management and business results of Mitsubishi Corporation.
Q02:I wish to inquire about the management and business results of Mitsubishi Corporation.
I wish to inquire about employment and internship opportunities at Mitsubishi Corporation.
Q03:I wish to inquire about employment and internship opportunities at Mitsubishi Corporation.
A03:Please go to the MC Recruiting Information website. *This website is in Japanese only Alternatively, if you are interested in employment in Mitsubishi Corporation other countries, please inquire directly to our office in the relevant country.
I wish to obtain the contact information of branch offices of Mitsubishi Corporation.
Q04:I wish to inquire about employment and internship opportunities at Mitsubishi Corporation.