Frequently Asked Questions
Company information of the MC Group
- Q.What are the origins of the Mitsubishi mark and the Mitsubishi name?(Open/Close)
Mitsubishi Corporation is a member of the Mitsubishi companies. If you want to know about the Mitsubishi mark and the Mitsubishi name, please visit "
" a portal site of the Mitsubishi companies.
- Q.I wish to obtain the contact information of branch offices of Mitsubishi Corporation.(Open/Close)
Please consult the website of the respective (local) Mitsubishi Corporation office/subsidiary.
- Q.Where can I obtain a copy of the Corporate Brochure and Integrated Report?(Open/Close)
You can download them from the Requests for Printed Materials page. If you wish to have it mailed to you, please use the materials request form.
- Q.Please tell me about the company profile of Mitsubishi Corporation.(Open/Close)
Please refer to the Company Profile page.
- Q.How can I link to your website?(Open/Close)
Please refer to "Link" section of the Legal Notice.
- Q.May I use MC's logo or images from your website?(Open/Close)
Please refer to the "Copyrights and Trademarks" section of the Legal Notice.
- Q.I would like to find out more about financial information.(Open/Close)
Please refer to "Financial Results and Financial Data" for financial results materials and financial data.
About investor information
- Q.How do I learn more on investor information?(Open/Close)
For questions related to investor information, please refer to the Investor FAQs page on Investor Relations.
Company information of the MC Group
- Q.I wish to inquire about employment and internship opportunities at Mitsubishi Corporation.(Open/Close)
Please go to the MC Recruiting Information website
. *This website is in Japanese only Alternatively, if you are interested in employment in Mitsubishi Corporation other countries, please inquire directly to our office in the relevant country.