
Mitsubishi Corporation considers corporate governance to be one of its most important management objectives and is constantly working to strengthen it.

Corporate Governance

With the Three Corporate Principles for a corporate philosophy, MC strives to continuously increase corporate value through corporate activities rooted in the principles of fairness and integrity. MC believes that by helping to enrich society, both materially and spiritually, it will also meet the expectations of all its stakeholders. In order to achieve these goals, MC recognizes the continuous strengthening of corporate governance as a fundamental management policy since it is the foundation for ensuring sound, transparent, and efficient management.

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Within MC, "compliance" is defined as an observance of laws, rules, regulations, international standards and internal regulations, as well as respect for generally accepted standards for the conduct of business. In addition to 1) observance of laws and regulations, all officers and employees at the MC Group must also 2) respect generally accepted standards for the conduct of business. Officers and employees must consider at all times what these standards entail in the present-day context and in the applicable regions, as there are no clearly stated rules in this regard. Officers and employees are aware of the high expectations of society and aim to ensure that the MC Group remains trusted by society.

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Approaches to Internal Control System

On May 2, 2024, the Board of Directors of MC resolved the basic policy of establishing the following internal control systems for MC, as a whole MC Group including its subsidiaries, to improve the corporate value through proper and efficient business operations in conformity with laws and its Articles of Incorporation. MC checks the operating status of these systems and endeavors to continuously improve and strengthen them.

Crisis Management / Business Continuity Management

MC has built up a structure for securing the lives and safety of employees and their families as we respond on a consolidated basis to all crises that impact our profit and business continuity (all-hazard approach) by linking together each Section/Group/Regional and National Crisis Management Offices under the management and supervision of the Emergency Crisis Management Officer.