Empowering the Next Generation
MC will actively support education, research and capacity development in order to contribute to the growth and self-reliance of the next generation who will be responsible for tomorrow’s society.
MC Overseas Study Scholarship for High School Students

MC established this scholarship in 2019 with the aim to develop future global talent by assisting exceptional high school students in Japan whose financial situation makes it difficult for them to study abroad.
JEES-Mitsubishi Corporation Science Technology Student Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2021 for Japanese graduate students (taking doctoral courses) in Japan to address the declining number of students studying science and technology in the country.

Mitsubishi Corporation Art Gate Program (on hiatus)
As a support program for the next generation of artists, from 2008 to 2020, we provided exhibition opportunities and career support for students and young artists who graduated within the last three years, through exhibitions, charity auctions, and scholarship programs. From 2021 to 2022, we thought that a program that focuses on nurturing as well as financial support was necessary, and we implemented a program that provided learning and presentation opportunities, contributing to the growth and development of the artists' creative activities.