Support for Natural Disaster
As a member of the communities in which we live and work, MC provides emergency support in the event of natural disasters and engages in recovery efforts in the affected areas according to their specific needs.
Relief and Recovery Support

MC provides relief and recovery support for areas affected by natural disasters. In addition to volunteer-related activities, MC also provides aid that addresses the various needs of victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This includes scholarships, support for small businesses as well as other activities aimed to help with the recovery of the region.
Disaster Relief
September | |
July |
Relief Aid for Victims of Heavy Rain Damage in Akita Prefecture, July 2023
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
February |
July |
Past support for disaster relief : Japan Platform |
June |
Past support for disaster relief : Doctors Without Borders /Japan Platform |
January |
Past support for disaster relief : Australian Red Cross, Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society, Uniting Care Community, GIVIT, NSW Rural Fire Services |
October |
Past support for disaster relief : Japan Platform |
March |
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
October |
Past support for disaster relief : Indonesian Red Cross Society |
September |
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
July |
ast support for disaster relief : Japan Platform |
April |
September |
Past support for disaster relief : MINCEX (Ministerio del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera : Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment) |
Past support for disaster relief : Cruz Roja Mexicana |
Past support for disaster relief : Government of Oaxaca |
Relief and Recovery Aid for Victims of Hurricane Harvey
Past support for disaster relief : United Way of Greater Houston Relief Fund / Greater Houston Community Foundation Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund |
July |
Relief Aid for Victims of the Torrential Rain in Northern Kyushu
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
April |
Relief Aid for Victims of the Colombia Floods
Past support for disaster relief : Fiduprevisora S.A Fondo Nacional de Calamidades-Donaciones |
February |
Relief Aid for Victims of the Forest Fires Near Valparaiso, Chile
Past support for disaster relief : Desafio Levantemos Chile |
October |
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
September |
Past support for disaster relief : Poste Italiane by Mitsubishi Italia S.p.A., |
April |
Past support for disaster relief : Government of Ecuador |
March |
Relief Aid for Victims of the Kumamoto Earthquake
Past support for disaster relief : Kumamoto prefecture |
September |
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
April |
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
March |
Past support for disaster relief : Japanese Red Cross Society |
October |
Past support for disaster relief : Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (UK) |
September |
Past support for disaster relief : Hiroshima City |
August |
Past support for disaster relief : Yunnan Philanthropic Association |