Approaches to Internal Control System

The Basic Policy of Establishing the Internal Control Systems

On May 2, 2024, the Board of Directors of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) resolved the basic policy of establishing the following internal control systems for MC, as a whole MC Group including its subsidiaries, to improve the corporate value through proper and efficient business operations in conformity with laws and its Articles of Incorporation. MC checks the operating status of these systems and endeavors to continuously improve and strengthen them.

  1. System to Ensure that the Execution of Duties by Directors and Employees Is in Conformity with the Laws and Regulations and Articles of Incorporation

    1. MC shall establish internal rules and regulations for such matters as codes of conduct for officers and employees;
      Companywide lateral management systems; and measures for prevention, correction, and improvement; and internal whistleblower systems. After informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations. Further, MC shall realize its compliance capabilities as the MC Group by encouraging subsidiaries to establish similar systems.
    2. MC shall establish internal rules and regulations for such matters as the establishment of persons responsible for each organization and procedures for the internal and external reporting in conformity with laws and standards. After informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations and ensure proper and timely disclosure of information of the MC Group.
    3. MC shall establish internal rules and regulations for such matters as the systems and main points of internal auditing. After informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations and objectively inspect, evaluate, and improve the execution of duties throughout the MC Group.
  2. System for the Storage and Management of Information Related to Directors’ Execution of Duties

    After establishing internal rules and regulations in relation to such matters as persons responsible for management of information in the course of execution of duties and methods and informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations and prepare, process, and store information appropriately.
  3. Regulations and Other Systems Concerning Management of Loss Risk

    MC shall establish internal rules and regulations for such matters as risk classes, persons responsible for management and methods for each class, and systems. After informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations. In addition, in accordance with the business lines or size of subsidiaries, MC shall encourage the development of necessary risk management systems, thereby appropriately controlling on a corporate group basis risk accompanying the execution of duties as the MC Group.
  4. System for Ensuring that Directors Perform Duties Efficiently

    1. The President and CEO shall establish management policies and goals for the MC Group, prepare management plans aimed achieving them, and then endeavor to execute duties efficiently by implementing these plans.
    2. MC shall establish internal rules and regulations for such matters as standards and main points relating to reorganization, the division of duties, personnel allocation, and authority. After informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations. Further, in accordance with the business lines or size of subsidiaries, MC shall ensure efficiency by encouraging the establishment of similar internal rules and regulations and other measures.
  5. System to Ensure the Suitability of Business Conducted by the Stock Company and the Corporate Group Comprising the Parent Company and Subsidiaries

    To ensure the suitability of the business activities conducted by the MC Group, MC shall establish basic policies for the MC Group with each subsidiary and affiliate establishing internal rules and regulations for such matters as persons responsible, important management-related items, management methods, and the exercise of shareholder rights. After informing all parties, MC shall rigorously reflect the rules and regulations in operations. Further, these persons responsible shall receive reports required by the Parent Company concerning the status of the execution of duties by directors and others at subsidiaries and shall understand the qualitative and quantitative status and issues of subsidiaries.
  6. Items Concerning Employees Assisting in the Duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee and Independence from Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)

    An organization is established directly under the Audit & Supervisory Committee for supporting the duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee, and employees shall be assigned exclusively to this organization. Furthermore, regarding personnel matters concerning these employees, such as evaluations and transfers, MC shall seek the opinions of Audit & Supervisory Committee Members and shall respect these opinions.
  7. System for Reporting to the Audit & Supervisory Committee

    1. The Audit & Supervisory Committee shall have Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members), executive officers, employees, and others to report to the Audit & Supervisory Committee and shall state opinions in regard to their execution of operations. For this purpose, MC shall establish systems for attendance of Audit & Supervisory Committee Members at important meetings that the Audit & Supervisory Committee requests.
    2. MC shall establish internal rules and regulations for such matters as persons responsible, standards, and methods in relation to reporting to the Audit & Supervisory Committee if there is a risk of substantial detriment occurring, and shall ensure that these rules are thoroughly implemented and observed.
    3. MC shall encourage the construction of systems, including a system for having the persons responsible or officers and employees of respective subsidiaries to report if the Audit & Supervisory Committee requests reports relating to subsidiaries, and a system for the reporting of important matters, including subsidiaries’ significant compliance matters, to the Audit & Supervisory Committee.
    4. MC shall prohibit the disadvantageous treatment of officers and employees as a result of having reported to the Audit & Supervisory Committee and shall ensure that these rules are thoroughly implemented and observed at subsidiaries.
  8. Other Systems to Ensure That Audit & Supervisory Committee and Audit & Supervisory Committee Members’ Audits Are Executed Effectively

    1. The Audit & Supervisory Committee and Audit & Supervisory Committee Members shall endeavor to communicate with internal related departments and independent auditors, collect information, and conduct investigations, and related departments shall cooperate with these efforts.
    2. MC will bear the necessary expenses for the Audit & Supervisory Committee’s and Audit & Supervisory Committee Members’ execution of duties.

Business Continuity Planning ("BCP")

MC has prescribed a "Standard for Crisis Management" and has set out basic policies for responding to natural disasters and incidents that could affect the safety and wellbeing of employees as well as the earnings and assets and business continuity, and to various other risks such as terrorism, new strains of influenza and other contagious diseases. There are three basic policies: (1) Our first priority is to ensure and verify the safety of employees, local residents, and consumers; (2) We will work to maintain and continue MC's important functions and operations; and (3) We will work to restore business operations quickly.