Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas) recognizes the importance of developing solutions to the challenges facing the global environment and society. We are guided in this work by our Three Corporate Principles: Corporate Responsibility to Society, Integrity and Fairness, and Global Understanding through Business.

Strive to enrich society, both materially and spiritually, while contributing towards the preservation of the global environment.
Maintain principles of transparency and openness, conducting business with integrity and fairness.
Expand business, based on an all-encompassing global perspective.
(The modern day interpretation of the Three Corporate Principles, as agreed on at the Mitsubishi Kinyokai meeting of the companies that constitute the so-called Mitsubishi group in January 2001.)
How We Do Business
Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas) conducts business in accordance with the eleven principles of its Code of Business Conduct, which has its roots in the Three Corporate Principles.
Our approach to sustainable business development aligns with Mitsubishi Corporation's Code of Business Conduct, Corporate Standards of Conduct, Environmental Charter, and Social Charter, which set high expectations about how business should be conducted. For more information about Mitsubishi Corporation's global approach to sustainability, please visit Mitsubishi Corporation's ESG disclosure site.
Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas) is engaged in a wide range of philanthropic initiatives in areas such as environmental conservation, local community support, and arts and culture. Here are a few examples:
The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), founded in 1891, is the most comprehensive botanical garden in the world and an important cultural landmark of New York City. Our support dates back to 1994, with various grants being awarded to children's education programs as well as the establishment of the Mitsubishi Wild Wetland Trail, an interactive and educational trail focused on the importance of wetlands, plant diversity and ecology. The five-acre trail draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, including many school groups and teachers from the local community. Most recently, in support of The NYBG's Edible Academy, Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas) has held an annual Earth Day volunteer event, in addition to supporting the famed Kiku exhibition since 2007.
The National Museum of Asian Art
Located in Washington, D.C., the Smithsonian Institution is visited by nearly 28 million people annually. Its collection of Japanese art is held in trust at the Freer and Sackler galleries, opened in 1923 and 1987, respectively. In 2020, MC awarded a $1 million grant, spanning 5 years, to the Freer and Sackler galleries, renewing its initial sponsorship that began in 2015. The Japan-related projects being supported include ones commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and a digital experience on Zen Buddhism. Japanese art will also feature in the Freer Gallery's centennial celebration in 2023. The grant facilitated outreach to Japanese audiences, exhibitions highlighting specialist collaboration between the U.S. and Japan, and enhanced bilingual staffing.
Japan Society
Founded in 1907, Japan Society is an organization with a mission to connect American and Japanese people, cultures, and societies through a global lens. Since 1954, we have supported various initiatives at Japan Society, including business and policy programs, cultural experiences, and family and education programing. In particular, Japan Society's Education and Family Program introduces Japanese culture through engaging events, and offers professional development training for K-12 teachers, gallery tours for schools, and a leadership exchange program for Japanese and American high school students. We also sponsor the Japan Society School Partnerships Program, offering free arts and culture programs to students in underserved communities across New York City public schools.
For information about the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas, click here.
For information about Mitsubishi Corporation's contributions to society around the world, click here.
Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas) encourages and supports our employees’ engagement in numerous volunteer programs and initiatives that give back to the communities where we do business.
Employees from the Washington, D.C. office help cleanup Rock Creek Park on Earth Day.
Houston office employees participate in the Cool Trees Project to increase tree canopy in underserved communities.
Employees from the Silicon Valley office sort and pack produce at Second Harvest, a local food bank.

Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA), was established in 1991 as a private foundation with a mission to support biodiversity conservation, environmental education, environmental justice and sustainable development throughout the Americas. MCFA, which is jointly funded by Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas), demonstrates our commitment to environmental causes that support the long-term sustainability of our businesses in this region. For information about recent grants, guidelines, and events, please visit