Contact Us

This is the inquiry page for Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc. We ask that questions relating to the following be directed to the respective site of the respective company.

Inquiries about Mitsubishi automobiles, or Mitsubishi automotive parts

Mitsubishi Motors

Inquiries about trucks or busses

Mitsubishi Fuso

Inquiries about electrical products, such as televisions, air conditioners and projectors; elevators; and escalators

Mitsubishi Electric

Inquiries about aircraft, compressors, turbines, and forklifts

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Inquiries about Mitsubishi and the Mitsubishi companies

*Mitsubishi Corporation is a member of the Mitsubishi group companies and is not a holding company for other "Mitsubishi" companies.

Due to the large number of inquiries that we handle, it may take a while before a reply is sent. Please note that we are unable to respond to some inquiries as there are some subjects that are beyond our scope of response.

The reply mail that you receive from us is sent to you as an individual customer. Part or all of the reply mails must not be used for any other purpose.

The customer information that you have provided will only be used, as required, for the purpose of replying to your inquiry and will not be used for any other purpose.

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