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Mineral Resources Group

Mineral Resources Group

In Minerals Resources group, metals and minerals resource trading businesses are headed by RtM International. Mineral Resources group expand its business by locating its global and Asia hub in Singapore.

Mitsubishi Corporation RtM International Pte Ltd

Mineral Resources Trading

A subsidiary established in 2013 for metals and minerals resource trading. As Singapore is a location where talent and knowledge gathers, RtMI is based here and works to meet the diverse needs of its customers and to capture the growing demand in Asian and other markets.

Triland Metals Singapore

Metals Forward Trading

Triland Metals (Head Office: London) is a major player in the London Metals Exchange. Since its establishment in 1971, for the past 50 years, the company has provided customers around the world with the ability to hedge against price fluctuation risks of metal products. Founded in 2012, Triland Metals Singapore is working to value-add to its strong customer base in its mineral resources trading businesses.

BHP Mitsubishi Alliance Marketing (BMA Marketing)

Metallurgical Coal Marketing

BMA in Australia is one of the world largest suppliers of metallurgical coal. Locating its marketing headquarter in Singapore, BMA Marketing conducts their sales and marketing activities for steel mills around the world.

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