MC and Kurashiki City Sign Regional Development Agreement

May 20, 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation
Kurashiki city
The authorities in Kurashiki City have been promoting a local development plan that seeks to enhance the municipality’s functions in ways that will benefit both its residents and the natural environment, resulting in quality of life that is sustainably safe and eco-sensitive. The proactive plan involves local-industry work to revitalize existing sectors and create new ones, efforts to meet the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), and the application of digital technologies to develop next-generation systems and infrastructure.
These initiatives mirror the aspirations of Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), which is endeavoring to promote energy and digital transformations (EX/DX) in step with one another. MC has detailed these aspirations in its latest management plan, announced just this month and entitled “Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024: Creating MC Shared Value.” Through connected advances in both EX and DX, MC is now working to revitalize regions and build independent, distributed communities that provide vibrant and convenient living environments.
MC and Kurashiki City are now pleased to announce that we have signed a collaborative research agreement that will explore a variety of cutting-edge advances designed to develop and revive local communities. The details of our agreement are outlined in the diagram below entitled “Specifics of Joint Research Initiative Between MC and Kurashiki City.” We are excited about the possibilities for our collaboration to both advance Kurashiki City’s DX plan and help realize a carbon-neutral society.
Scope of Our Collaboration:
 1. Revitalization of local industry through digitalization
 2. Application of data-connection platforms aimed at realizing Digital Garden City Nation vision
 3. Enhancement of public services through use of digital technologies in mobility, infrastructure and other sectors
 4. Realization of locally sustainable energy society
 5. Other local development and revitalization work
Specifics of Joint Research Initiative Between MC and Kurashiki City

Based on the Three Corporate Principles, which serve as MC’s core philosophy, MC has continued to grow together with society by contributing to the sustainable development of society through its business activities while pursuing value creation. MC’s revised “Materiality” was announced in Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024 as a set of crucial societal issues that MC will prioritize through its business activities, towards the strategy’s goal of continuous creation of MC Shared Value (MCSV). Guided by this Materiality, MC will continue to strengthen its efforts towards sustainable corporate growth. Out of the six material issues relating to “Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society and Striving to Enrich Society Both Materially and Spiritually”, this project’s activities particularly support “Contributing to Decarbonized Societies” “Utilizing Innovation to Address Societal Needs” and “Addressing Regional Issues and Growing Together with Local Communities”.

Inquiry Recipient

Mitsubishi Corporation
Telephone:+81-3-3210-2171 / Facsimile:+81-3-5252-7705