Toyobo and MC Launch Operations at New Joint Venture Company - “Toyobo MC Corporation” to Specialize in Functional Materials -

Toyobo and MC Launch Operations at New Joint Venture Company - “Toyobo MC Corporation” to Specialize in Functional Materials -

April 6, 2023
Toyobo Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Corporation
Toyobo MC Corporation
Toyobo Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Corporation are pleased to announce that on April 1st, 2023, we officially launched operations at our new joint venture company, Toyobo MC Corporation, which will specialize in the planning, development, manufacturing and sales of functional materials.
Please refer to the attached document for details.


Based on the Three Corporate Principles, which serve as MC’s core philosophy, MC has continued to grow together with society by contributing to the sustainable development of society through its business activities while pursuing value creation. MC’s revised “Materiality” was announced in Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024 as a set of crucial societal issues that MC will prioritize through its business activities, towards the strategy’s goal of continuous creation of MC Shared Value (MCSV). Guided by this Materiality, MC will continue to strengthen its efforts towards sustainable corporate growth. Out of the six material issues relating to “Realizing a Carbon Neutral Society and Striving to Enrich Society Both Materially and Spiritually”, this project’s activities particularly support “Contributing to Decarbonized Societies”“Promoting Stable, Sustainable Societies and Lifestyles” and “Utilizing Innovation to Address Societal Needs”.

Inquiry Recipient

Toyobo Co., Ltd.
Telephone:+81-6-6348-4210 / Facsimile:+81-6-6348-3443

Inquiry Recipient

Mitsubishi Corporation
Telephone:+81-3-3210-2171 / Facsimile:+81-3-5252-7705

Inquiry Recipient

Toyobo MC Corporation
Telephone:+81-6-6348-3310 / Facsimile:+81-6-6348-3299