Peace Parks Foundation
Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) is a not-for-profit organization operating within the Southern African Development Community Region. Established in 1997 by Dr Anton Rupert, Dr Nelson Mandela and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the overall objective of PPF is to facilitate the development of Trans-Frontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) to promote regional peace and stability, to create new jobs associated with the anticipated growth of tourism in southern Africa, and to conserve biological diversity.
Through PPF, The MCFEA has provided sponsorship for the training of students studying natural resource management at the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC) from 2008 to 2010. The SAWC, an association incorporated in South Africa and situated within the Kruger National Park, was established in 1997 to train field rangers identified by the parks authorities. Courses are structured to address all aspects of wildlife management including the softer skills of human resource management and administration.