Mitsubishi Corporation

Materials Solution Group

Our Business

Materials Solution Group

With the materials industry being one of Japan's core industries, the Materials Solution Group takes a comprehensive view of its supply chain and promotes the strengthening of competitiveness and reduction / decarbonization of the industry.
Utilizing knowledge and experience in the broad materials industry gained through trading and our existing businesses, we will define focus areas, develop and strengthen our business, build a large-scale business foundation in each area, and aim to create a business portfolio that will provide stable profits.

Organizational Structure

Carbon & Ceramics Division

The division operates a manufacturing and sales business for cement and ready-mixed concrete, which are essential materials for the construction and infrastructure sectors, in addition to operating one of the world‘s largest silica sand producing company. Located in Australia, the company is wholly owned by MC and produces high-grade silica sand, one of the main materials for glass used in solar power generation, etc.
The division is also involved in the manufacturing, sale and trading of graphite electrodes for electric furnaces, as well as carbon materials essential for lithium batteries.

Organizational Structure
Carbon Materials Dept. | Carbon Materials Business Development Dept. | Construction Materials Dept. | Ceramic Materials Dept.

Steel Products Division

The division develops wide range of business in the distribution, inventory, processing/manufacturing of steel products through Metal One (a steel trading company, 60% owned by MC).
The division contributes to resolving industrial issues by working to further enhance and strengthen the steel product value chain, utilizing our knowledge of mobility, construction, infrastructure and others industries, global network and digital technology.

Performance Materials Division

The division is developing its manufacturing and sales business with its partners based on competitive raw materials in the petrochemical and basic chemical fields. In addition, in order to achieve decarbonization and circular economies, while maintaining the function of chemical materials and providing a stable supply, the division is actively working to transition to materials with a lower environmental impact.

Organizational Structure
Agriculture Solution Office | Semiconductor Business Dept. | Petrochemicals Business Dept. | Basic Chemicals Business Dept. | Functional Materials Business Dept.

Business Development Division

In operations related to the materials industry which is facing various industrial challenges, such as achieving carbon neutrality etc., the division is working on the development and provision of business transformation solutions (DX, EX, MX, recycling, etc.). Additionally, we have been making efforts in the incubation business to cultivate the seeds of new materials.

Organizational Structure
Industrials Materials Business Incubation Office | Materials Business Transformation Dept. | Industrial Materials DX Dept. | Ecological Materials Business Dept.

Global Marketing Division

The division is carrying out trading activities worldwide utilizing its strong market presence in the petrochemical field (olefins, aromatic compounds, plastics, etc.) and basic chemical field (industrial salt, chlor-alkali products, PVC, methanol, ammonia, etc.). While providing the functions required by client industries and business partners, the division is working to increase the value of the companies it is invested in and discover “seeds of growth” for the development of new businesses.

Organizational Structure
Basic Petrochemicals Marketing Dept. | Refinery Chemicals Marketing Dept. | Alcohol & C1 Chemicals Marketing Dept. | Chlor-Alkali Marketing Dept. | PVC & Functional Chemicals Dept.

Project Cases

Business Investments