Smart-Life Creation Group
Organically linking C2B businesses with
B2B businesses to create "Smart-Life" solutions
The Smart-Life Creation (S.L.C.) Group is committed to creating a prosperous society and a “Smart-Life” in the form of improved lifestyles for consumers by launching a variety of C2B* businesses that address social issues and consumer needs in each region and country, and organically linking them with B2B businesses such as finance, digital, and logistics.
- *In Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), we develop our growth strategies starting from consumer needs under the belief that it is the consumers who hold the power of choice in today's society with full of goods and services. To emphasize the importance of addressing consumer needs through a 'market-in' perspective, we deliberately define and refer to our so-called 'B2C' business as 'C2B' business.
Organizational Structure
Retail Division
The Retail Division provides products and services that address a wide range of consumer needs through its retail business, including convenience stores and supermarkets. In addition, by enhancing the added value of products and services through shared loyalty point programs, payment-related services, and digital marketing businesses utilizing customer data, the division works to provide new experiential value and create a “Smart-Life” in the form of improved lifestyles for consumers.
Main Products and Services
Retail business, point-based loyalty programs, payment-related services, data-driven marketing, etc.
Organizational Structure
Retail Network Dept. | Alliance Development Dept.
Apparel & S.P.A. Division
Through its business activities procuring a wide range of products such as clothing, fashion accessories, footwear and household goods, along with providing valuable services utilizing recycling, logistics, and digital technologies, as well as operating retail businesses in Japan and overseas with the collaboration of leading S.P.A. brands, the Apparel & S.P.A. Division strives to create a sustainable society that is both considerate and friendly to the global environment.
Main Products and Services
Clothing, fashion accessories and household goods, footwear, marketing services, retail business, etc.
Organizational Structure
Lifestyle Business Dept. | Apparel Business Dept.
Healthcare Division
The Healthcare Division provides products and services for solving a wide array of customer issues, mainly in the medical care, nursing care, preventative care, pharmaceutical and agrochemical fields. While responding to market and industry changes in each country and region, we lead the way with solving challenges in the healthcare sector, and comprehensively meet customer healthcare-related needs, in and outside Japan.
Main Products and Services
Medical equipment/materials, nursing care business, pharmaceutical/agrochemical raw materials & intermediates, solutions for medical institutions, etc.
Organizational Structure
Healthcare Dept. | Bio-Fine Chemicals Dept.
Logistics & Food Distribution Division
In cooperation with principal group companies such as Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd., and Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging Ltd., we provide services and products to respond to a wide range of customer needs in the areas of food distribution, global logistics, and packaging.
In the logistics field, we provide various solutions that contribute to the optimization, efficiency, and sophistication of our customers' logistics operations in cooperation with group companies such as Mitsubishi Corporation LT, Inc.
In line with the furthering and rapid evolution of technology such as e-commerce, robotics and AI, etc., and changing customer and market needs, we will strive to advance development of new business with an eye towards solving social issues.
Main Products and Services
Global contract logistics services, reinsurance business, food distribution (processed foods, chilled foods, confectionary, liquor), various packaging and container products, digital advertising sales promotion.
Organizational Structure
Logistics Business Development Dept. | Food Distribution Dept.
Financial Business Division
The Financial Business Division is engaged in "C2B financial service business" in the retail domain to help bring about a “Smart-Life”, as well as "B2B financial business," utilizing our access and networks with a wide range of industries. In the C2B financial service business, we are working to develop a financial platform using digital technology, and in the B2B financial business, through collaboration and cooperation with internal and external partners, including Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc., we are working to solve various issues faced by companies in the asset finance space, centered on companies in Japan, Asia, and the US, etc. Through our corporate investment business we are able to support companies with enhancing their corporate value.
Main Products and Services
Private equity business, leasing business and digital financial business.
Organizational Structure
Merchant Banking Dept. | Leasing Business Dept. | Digital Finance Dept.
Digital Solutions Division
By leveraging MC's broad industry expertise and DX capabilities to link digital technologies with the real world and address societal challenges, the Digital Solutions Division aims to contribute to the development of various industries and create an affluent future society with a “Smart-Life”.
Along with applying DX capabilities to a wide range of businesses, we share our developed DX capabilities in the form of a service business to contribute to the enhancement of business value and productivity of society as a whole.
Main Products and Services
Develop solutions and services that help to solve business and management-related challenges that industries and companies are facing, and to provide them as a platform.
Organizational Structure
Digital Business Development Dept. | Digital Solutions Dept. | Community Service Development Dept.
Business Investments
Retail Division
By promising to deliver outstanding good taste and kindness to everyone and their local communities, Lawson aspires to become a convenience store that puts a smile on its customers' faces and allows everyone to feel at ease. Lawson strives to quickly grasp the challenges faced by society and the increasingly diversiying needs of consumers to swiftly drive innovation and enhance its products and services.
Life Corporation
Life Corporation operates 305 supermarkets in the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Kinki region (as of the end of February 2024). Through the refinement of its vision to be “True to LIFE,” as symbolized by “delicious,” “exciting,” and “happy,” as well as “reliable management with noble aspirations,” the company aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable and flourishing society and to become the most trusted supermarket in the community by its customers.
Nippon Delica Services was formed in July 2024 through the merger of Nippon Cookery Co., Ltd. and Gourmet Delica Co., Ltd., which supply ready-made meal products to Lawson.
With the mission of “making deliciousness and health more convenient,” Nippon Delica Services aims to become a leader in Japan's ready-made meal industry by combining the values that both companies have built.
Loyalty Marketing, Inc.
Loyalty Marketing, Inc. operates the “Ponta” shared loyalty point program and operates a variety of marketing businesses. The company provides consumers with the convenience of accumulating and using shared loyalty points from various partner stores with a single point card and app, the fun of creating connections through characters, and the opportunity to casually participate in SDGs activities with a smartphone app. For client companies, it provides a variety of analysis, research, and sales promotion planning services that help to acquire new customers and improve customer satisfaction.
Transaction Media Networks Inc.
Transaction Media Networks Inc. offers cashless payment services and also information processing services. Via a cloud-based center, the company provides e-money, credit card, QR code, and prepay, etc., as a one-stop service to a wide range of businesses, including convenience stores and supermarkets. It currently has over 960,000 connected terminals installed and in operation (as of the end of March 2024), and further expansion is expected. It is currently promoting information processing that visualizes the actual state of consumption and production from data on purchases, movement, and supply chains, based on cashless payments. The company aims to promote DX through data utilization in order to solve various issues in society.
Apparel & S.P.A. Division
Mitsubishi Corporation Fashion Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Corporation Fashion Co., Ltd., wholly owned by Mitsubishi Corporation, strives to create a natural and sustainable society that is not only conscious about issues such as overproduction and mass disposal, but also delivers high-quality clothing and daily necessities to consumers around the globe by providing services that utilize sophisticated supply chains and digital technologies for all aspects of our lifestyles, ranging from clothing to fashion accessories, household goods, furniture and footwear.
Healthcare Division
MC Healthcare Holdings
There are many challenges faced by the Japanese healthcare sector, such as the country's ageing society and the associated increase in medical spending. MC Healthcare's main business activities include solutions for management/procurement of medical supplies and medication, group purchasing services and medical equipment bulk procurement/maintenance services. Through its activities, MC Healthcare helps to streamline daily hospital operations so that frontline healthcare workers can spend more time providing care for their patients. The company also imports and sells advanced medical devices through MC Medical.
Nippon Care Supply Co., Ltd.
As society continues to age and with the aim of "contributing to a healthy and long-living society," the company aims to create new value by further enhancing its core business of rental and wholesale of welfare equipment, incorporating state-of-the-art digital technology, and further strengthening new business such as sales of lifestyle support goods and meal services.
Whitehealthcare Inc.
Due in large part to the country's aging population, the cost of healthcare in Japan continues to rise, which is increasing the burden on health insurance societies and other insurers. By providing core business support, consulting and pharmaceutical cost reduction services based on analysis of medical expense claims data, and support for suitable cancer screening method selection for individuals, etc., we are helping to address challenges and contributing to the financial soundness of insurers.
Deccan Fine Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Deccan is a world-class agrochemical CDMO, with three manufacturing facilities in India, one of the world's biggest producers of fine chemicals, including pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. With global agrochemical manufacturers as customers, we are expanding our business to fine chemicals other than agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, etc.
PeptiGrowth Inc.
PeptiGrowth develops, produces and sells peptide alternatives to growth factors, which are used in the manufacturing of products for cell therapy and regenerative medicines. Through this business, PeptiGrowth will help to address challenges of the industry and contribute to further advancement of cell therapy and regenerative medicines.
Logistics & Food Distribution Division
Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd., as a wholesaler, fulfills the intermediate distribution functions between production and consumption, such as sales channels and logistics. It aims to provide value that is not limited to just usual food distribution, but also that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society through the food business.
Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging Ltd.
Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging Ltd. is a strategic subsidiary in the paper and packaging field. The company is a customer-driven total solution provider based on its one-stop service for packaging raw materials, products and systems regardless of material with R&D function, and 365-day SCM capability.
Mitsubishi Corporation LT, Inc.
Mitsubishi Corporation LT, Inc. provides global contract logistics service by leveraging its global network across Japan, China, Europe, and the US, as well as MC's capabilities as a trading company.
Kanro Inc.
Kanro Inc. is a leading domestic candy manufacturer whose main products include "Kanro Ame," "Kin no Milk," "Kenko Ume Nodoame," and "Puré Gummy."
Since 2012, the company has operated its own retail store "Hitotsubu Kanro," offering the unique and premium candy products.
With its new corporate purpose "Sweeten the Future" it will contribute to a thriving tomorrow for humanity and the Earth, opening hearts and minds to possibilities.
Gaussy, Inc.
Gaussy offers "Roboware" ( , a warehouse robot subscription service which enables warehouse automation and "WareX" (
)) , an on demand warehouse sharing service to promote digital transformations (DX) in Japanese warehousing industry.
Financial Business Division
Marunouchi Capital Inc.
Marunouchi Capital is a private equity investment management firm wholly owned by Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), pursuing buy-out investments targeting mid/large-cap companies mainly in Japan. Marunouchi Capital supports growth by leveraging MC Group’s extensive industrial expertise and network.
Marunouchi Innovation Partners Co., Ltd.
Marunouchi Innovation Partners is a fund management company which Mitsubishi Corporation partially invested and which invests globally in Climate Tech related companies. By providing growth capital to companies with promising technologies, we aim to promote social implementation of the latest decarbonization technologies and realize a carbon-neutral society.
AIGF Advisors Pte. Ltd.
AIGF Advisors is a private equity fund management firm wholly owned by Mitsubishi Corporation (MC), investing and providing growth capital to small/mid-cap companies in the ASEAN region. AIGF Advisors supports growth by leveraging MC’s extensive business expertise and network.
Mitsubishi HC Capital
Mitsubishi HC Capital is a comprehensive finance service company offering a variety of financial solutions. In addition to financial solutions such as leasing and rental, it is engaged in global services and business management utilizing assets such as renewable energy, aircrafts/aircraft engines, marine containers/railway freight cars, real estate, and mobilities.
Mitsubishi Auto Leasing Corporation
Mitsubishi Auto Leasing Corporation is a multi-brand car-leasing joint venture between Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc. It provides total mobility solutions including fleet management services for both corporate and individual clients.
Digital Solutions Division
MC Digital, Inc.
MC Digital, a 100% MC-owned subsidiary, is an AI / data-science company and its mission is to "update business models by leveraging technology." Utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as generative AI, we aim to make a substantial impact on global industrial transformation across the wide range of industries that MC operates in.
MC Digital is actively engaged in developing new business and deepening collaboration with global innovation ecosystems, as well as academic and government institutions. Through these activities, we will continue to provide an extensive range of solutions to the world and make our contribution to society.
MC Data Plus
With the mission of “connecting companies and people with data and services,” MC Data Plus promotes the creation of digital platforms by providing Industry-vertical SaaS for solving social issues in various fields. The company produces new “real” and “digital” businesses by utilizing big data collected from these digital platforms. SaaS for the construction industry, which is the company’s core business, is contributing to the sector as one of the largest digital platforms in the industry, and efforts are also being made to develop SaaS for the retail industry.
Industry One, Inc.
Industry One is one of the core companies of MC's digital business. It was established in 2021 with the vision of spearheading the social implementation of industrial digital transformation (DX). Industry One leverages MC's global and industry knowledge and contacts across multiple sectors, as well as the advanced digital technologies of its partner companies, to provide comprehensive support that covers everything from DX consulting, such as digital strategy planning, to system development and digital business creation utilizing advanced technologies. Industry One will continue to promote DX to not only shore up MC Group companies, but to also help resolve industrial and societal issues.
iVision Shanghai Co., Ltd.
As the MC Group’s IT service provider in China, iVision Shanghai provides comprehensive IT services to over 200 China-based Japanese enterprises, both within and outside the group. The scope of iVision Shanghai’s business includes IT consulting, system building and IT infrastructure, among others. At present, the company is particularly focusing efforts on digital services that provide promotional support for the retail industry and improve efficiency for the manufacturing industry. iVision Shanghai will grow together with its customers based on the principle that "customer growth is our growth."
Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Connect, Inc.
A joint venture between Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. and Mitsubishi Corporation, Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Connect, Inc. is a company involved in the development and sales of services relating to our day-to-day lives, with such themes as elderly monitoring, child-raising support, food, and health. Driven by a mission to develop lifelong connections with its customers, it builds upon the customer connections that Chubu Electric Power Miraiz has fostered until now through the provision of its energy services, as well as the broad industry / service networks and digital technology possessed by Mitsubishi Corporation, to provide services that meet the various needs of customers during their daily lives and life events.
HomeServe Japan Corporation
HomeServe Japan is a joint venture company established in 2019 and owned by MC and HomeServe International, whose head office is located in the UK. Its business provides Japanese residents with a subscription-based emergency and repair services in areas such as electrical equipment, plumbing, gas, heating, ventilation and air conditioning through its partnerships with utility companies and municipalities in Japan under the vision of “making a subscription-based home repairs and improvements service common throughout Japan while eliminating house-related anxiety and bringing a sense of well-being to residents.”