Mitsubishi Corporation

Progress toward Midterm Corporate Strategies

Demonstrating adaptability to changes in the business environment, and executing management strategies from a long-term perspective

Midterm Corporate Strategy 2018
Evolving Our Business Model from Investing to Managing

Leverage our ingenuity to create new business models and generate value for societies, thereby developing the highest level of management expertise.

Awareness of Issues

Management Platform Reform

  • Due to the deterioration in the market for natural resources, MC rebalanced its portfolio based on the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016, in which the Company recorded the first consolidated net loss since its founding
  • In a rapidly changing business environment, focused on managing cash flow to maintain business stability amid economic uncertainty

Stable Shareholder Returns

  • Recorded a consolidated net loss for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. Maintained a dividend of 50 yen per share (base portion). Necessity of stable shareholder returns based on ability to create cash flow

Acceleration of Asset Replacement and Shift to a Business Model Aimed at New Growth

Rebalancing of Resources and Non-Resources (Exposure of market-related segments: business-related segments = 3:7)

Replace "resources/non-resources," with "market-related segments/ business-related segments" based on risk sensitivity to market conditions
Achieve optimum balance by maintaining a constant investment balance for market-related segments

  • For market-related segments (mainly resources), continue to invest in prime assets while maintaining investment balance, thereby optimizing portfolio quality
  • For business-related segments (mainly non-resources), re-profile portfolios but increase their size by investing in growing businesses where we can proactively demonstrate our strengths and functions

Cash-Flow-Focused Management

  • Controlling interest-bearing debt by managing investments and shareholder returns within our total cash flow
  • To flexibly control cash flow, have corporate and Business Groups focus on managing cash flow to make steady progress toward autonomous Group management

Further Evolution from Investing to Managing

  • Shift from the concept of investing in businesses to managing them and generating continuous value

Lifecycle-Based Portfolio Re-Profiling

  • Promote re-profiling by assessing whether or not a business should be continued based on our functional engagement in the business and its lifecycle
Shareholder Returns Policy

Introduce a progressive dividend scheme, which increases in line with sustainable earnings growth, as a base, and flexibly buy back our stock when necessary


Financial soundness improved under the stabilization of business performance through the rebalancing of market-related and business-related segments, and through the promotion of asset replacement based on strict investment discipline. Ordinary profits accumulated for both the business-related and market-related segments, hitting record highs. In addition to the continuation of dividend increases in line with profit growth based on a progressive dividend scheme, we carried out share buybacks (300 billion yen) to boost capital efficiency based on cash flow, investment leverage and other circumstances over the course of three years.

Awareness of Issues

  • Building our envisioned business portfolio, adapted to changes in the external environment
  • Building growth mechanisms that demonstrate our strengths and improve business value in line with business stage
  • Deepening our business management model through early-stage HR development of highly skilled management professionals

Midterm Corporate Strategy 2021
Achieving Growth Through Business Management Model

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Achieve growth premised on triple-value growth through our business management model, while adapting to rapidly changing developments including geopolitical shifts, digitalization and the transition to a low-carbon/decarbonized society

  • Outline of Midterm Corporate Strategy 2021
    Progress for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021
  • Portfolio-based decision-making (strengthening of downstream and services sector businesses)

    DX/EX progress in downstream areas, Energy & Power Generation segment and services segment

    • Enhanced downstream businesses, including by acquiring Eneco (a European integrated energy company with a customer base of 6 million households primarily in the Netherlands) as well as by participating in BSD City district smart-city development in suburban Jakarta, Indonesia, and forming a partnership to start evaluation of urban city management
    • Strengthened the Energy & Power Generation sector business through acquisitions including development rights for a large-scale offshore wind farm in the Netherlands following the acquisition of Eneco
    • Enhanced the services sector business through the conclusion of an investment agreement with the world's leading location-based service company HERE Technologies

    Upstream activities connected to the progress of electrification

    • Development of the Quellaveco copper project in Peru, is on track to start production in 2022
    • Acquired a 30% stake in the Aurukun Bauxite Project in Australia. Bauxite is a raw material source for lightweight, highly recyclable aluminum
  • Enhancement of new business concepts and digital strategies

    Value-Added Cyclical Growth Model & improved ROE

    Progress of DX/EX initiatives to address key issues for the future

    • Business partnership with the NTT Group in DX. Established Industry One, Inc. to deliver DX solutions for industry
    • Established Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Connect Co., Inc. with the Chubu Electric Power Group to promote power and retail DX initiatives
    • Currently considering and advancing over 70 DX projects companywide, through actions including the formation of a companywide industrial DX Task Force
    • For EX, aiming to improve the sustainable competitiveness of industry while addressing environmental issues
    • Aim to double renewable power generation capacity by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031 relative to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 and achieve 100% non-fossil fuel generation by 2050

    Progress in asset replacement under the Value-Added Cyclical Growth Model

    • Implemented asset replacements of power generation and real estate development assets after improving their business value
    • Evaluated a companywide list of loss-making companies and strengthened turnaround and replacement policies
  • HR system reform aiming for the continuous development of highly skilled management professionals

    Fully introduced evaluation and compensation systems to ensure reciprocal growth between the Company and its employees

    Revised the HR system in April 2019 to:
    (1) ensure that employees gain the right experience to become management professionals earlier in their careers; (2) be more meritocratic to ensure that the right people are assigned to the right positions; and (3) utilize management professionals more widely and effectively throughout the MC Group

    • Efforts to place the right people at the right positions; assignment of management professionals to positions well aligned with their expertise
    • Fair treatment of employees appropriate to their duties through well-balanced evaluation and compensation systems
    • HR development for management professionals and growth support through reinforced talent management
  • Financial Targets & Capital Policy

    Shareholder Returns Policy

    Consolidated net income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020: ¥535.4 billion; Consolidated net income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021: ¥172.6 billion
    Forecast of consolidated net income for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022: ¥380 billion Continued progressive dividends under a capital policy based on financial discipline*

    • Dividends in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020: ¥132 per share; dividends in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021: ¥134 per share; dividends forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022: ¥134 per share

* While maintaining cash flow management, we will work to make a clean break from "market-follower" investment practice by investing as necessary, regardless of the Group's business performance

Changes in the external environment recognized in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021

  • Vaccination against COVID-19 has started in earnest worldwide, and the economic environment is on track for a gradual recovery. Digitalization has progressed further due to changes in lifestyles brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Governments around the world have declared targets to achieve net-zero GHG emissions, and the shift toward a low/zero carbon society has accelerated
  • Geopolitical uncertainty centered around the hegemonic confrontation between the US and China has increased

01 Business Portfolio

  • DX/EX progress in downstream areas, Energy & Power Generation segment and services segment
  • Upstream activities connected to the progress of electrification

02 Growth Mechanisms:Enhancement of New Business Concepts and Digital Strategies

Progress of DX/EX initiatives to address key issues for the future

  • Formed a business partnership with NTT Corporation and set up a companywide Industrial DX Task Force. As part of this initiative, established Industry One, Inc. as a DX services company to steadily promote industrial DX
  • Established Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Connect Co., Inc. with the Chubu Electric Power Group to promote power and retail DX initiatives
  • Aim to double renewable power generation capacity by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031 relative to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 and achieve 100% non-fossil fuel generation by 2050

DX Actions

  • Promote DX in a way that is unique to the MC Group by leveraging our knowledge and networks across a wide range of industries.
  • Promote DX together with EX to reduce food loss and CO2 emissions through greater logistics efficiency
Promote Industrial DX
  • Established Industry One with the NTT Group

    MC and NTT aim to provide DX solutions for Japanese industry by leveraging respective strengths of industrial knowledge and ICT technology expertise

Promote Power and Retail DX
  • Established Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Connect Co., Inc. with the Chubu Electric Power Group

    The company provides solutions for the daily needs and events of a diverse customer base by integrating strong community connections and digital marketing expertise

    (More than 70 other DX projects are underway in addition to the above)

EX Actions

  • MC will present its unique optimal solution within the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 targeting a carbon-neutral society by 2050
  • We aim to achieve a balance between improving the sustainable competitiveness of industry and addressing environmental issues through initiatives from the following three perspectives:
Newly develop renewable energy, as well as other facilities and businesses that avoid generating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Strengthen efforts in renewable energy projects such as offshore wind and hydroelectric power generation

Reduce of GHG emissions from existing facilities and projects, including thermal power
  • Set thermal power divestment targets

  • Contribute to stable energy supplies and the transition to low/zero-emission thermal power

Neutralize remaining GHG emissions
  • Strengthen carbon neutrality initiatives through carbon capture and utilization/storage (CCU/CCS), etc.

03 Growth Mechanisms:Asset Replacement under a Value-Added Cyclical Growth Model

  • Implemented asset replacements of power generation and real estate development assets after improving their business value
  • Evaluated a companywide list of loss-making companies and strengthened turnaround and replacement policies

Cash flow from replacement of assets:
Execute divestment and recovery totaling approximately 2.5 trillion yen over 5 years. Execute total of approximately 1 trillion yen over 2 years during the period of Midterm Corporate Strategy 2021, compared to the initial assumption of 0.7 trillion yen over 3 years.

04 HR System Reforms

  • Efforts to place the right people at the right positions; assignment of management professionals to positions well aligned with their expertise
  • Fair treatment of employees appropriate to their duties through well-balanced evaluation and compensation systems
  • Progress in HR development in the area of management and growth support through the enhancement of talent management

Ideal Employees

Management-minded employees committed to enhancing business value

High moral and ethical standards

Four Key Policies

Support employees' self-growth and company growth
Ensure employees gain the right experience earlier
Ensure meritocratic systems so that the right people are assigned to the right positions
Utilize management professionals throughout the MC Group and realize more appropriate benefits

Specific Initiatives

  • As a result of efforts to place the right people at the right positions, increased the number of younger employees promoted to management positions by 50% from April 2019
  • Shifted the evaluation and compensation systems for management positions to structures based on roles and achievements, and expanded the proportion of variable remuneration and conduct fairer evaluations
  • Conducted growth dialogues for all employees, and considered transfers and placements from a wide group based on diverse evaluation and observation mechanisms by superiors, colleagues, subordinates, etc.
  • Introduced new HR development programs such as the Innovators' Program and DX Acceleration Program
  • Promoted the development of vibrant workplaces that can encourage the engagement of our diverse pool of talent (employee health and productivity management and supporting women's careers)
In addition to HR system reforms, formed a companywide Industrial DX Task Force to promote collaboration across organizational boundaries.

Note: The members removed their face masks only when this picture was taken.