Integrated Report 2023
Combining Excellence
Pick up
01The Value Creation Story
This section provides an overview of the value creation process and the Six Capitals that serve as inputs to the process.
We will also focus on the business assets of the Six Capitals and explain the strengths of MC’s businesses.
02Midterm Corporate Strategy
This section describes the progress of Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024 and initiatives related to EX, DX,
and Creating a New Future, as well as explaining the path to creating MCSV.03Value Creation by the Business Groups
This section introduces the specific initiatives of each Business Group
that perform as an engine in producing “value,” the outcome of the value creation process.
Business Groups × Business Models × Strategies
04Initiatives and Systems Supporting Sustainable Value Creation
This section describes how MC will adapt to changes in the business environment amid increasing uncertainty,
and the systems that will support this adaptation.