Mitsubishi Corporation

Value Creation Process

Value Creation Process

MC’s businesses are underpinned by financial and other capitals which exist both internally and externally.
We invest the capitals into businesses to address social challenges through our businesses and continuously create significant shared value. The created shared value strengthens the capitals and becomes a source of further value creation. By repeating this cycle, we aim to achieve sustainable growth.

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    The Six Capitals (Inputs)

    External capital, which exists outside the company and underpins our management; stewardship capital, which the company acquires from external sources and assumes responsibility to increase its value; internally generated capital, which is created internally by the company using external capital and stewardship capital; these are the foundation of our business activities.

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    Business Group x Business Model (Engine)

    The 10 Business Groups engage in a wide range of businesses while maintaining broad contact with various industries. We aim to create value that transcends fields and industries based on the companywide theme of creating a new future through integrated EX and DX initiatives, while applying the Value-Added Cyclical Growth Model.

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    Creating MC Shared Value (Outcome)

    Leveraging MC Group’s unique collective capabilities, we will further accelerate addressing various social challenges through our business activities and continuously creating MC Shared Value.